How Often Do People Shop Online?
Understanding consumers’ ecommerce habits is vital to building an effective growth plan for online businesses. Aside from knowing keyonline shopping statisticsaboutwhat timeandwhat day of the weekthey’re most actively shopping, having an idea of how often they shop online can give you greater insight into their digital purchasing patterns.
So, how often do people shop online? Here’s a look at the online shopping frequencies of United States consumers.
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Results from arecent surveyshow that there’s no straightforward answer to the question, “How often do people shop online.” About one-third (32%) of surveyed US consumers buy things online once a month or less frequently, while 16% say they do so once a week. Around one in five (19%) of them purchase items via the internet multiple items a week.
Online shopping is also a daily occurrence for many consumers. 16% of consumers say they buy things online at least once a day. Breaking this down, we see that 7% do so just once, while 9% shop online several times per day. In other words, one out of approximately every six consumers shops online daily.
These study results also show that despiteecommerce’s rising share of retail sales, there remains a significant number of people that say they do not shop online—as claimed by 17% of surveyed US consumers. In fact, as many as 46% of consumers say they would rather buy things in-store, while just 28% say they prefer to do so online.
网上购物的主要原因是方便。78% of US consumers list it as a reason to acquire items over the internet. This is followed by the ability to save time (69%) and compare products easily (48%).
Simply understanding how often consumers shop online in the US isn’t enough if your goal is tobuild and grow your brand. This is because online shopping preferences vary from generation to generation, so strategies catered to yourtarget audienceare needed.
For instance, themost popular online shopping category among Gen Z shoppersis clothing and shoes—bought online by 42% of Gen Z consumers. On the other hand, just20% of baby boomersbuy these products online, with the majority (53%) preferring to do so in-store.
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