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11 Best About Us Page Tips and Monetization Tricks

Chapter 25by Nicole Martins Ferreira

According toBlue Acorn, those who visited a website’s about us page were five times more likely to make a purchase. They even spent 22.5% more than those who didn’t visit the about us page during their visit. About Us pages help your customer better understand who your brand is while helping you earn their trust. This could be why they spent more. According toKoMarketing, 52% of site visitors expect to find the company’s about us page on their homepage. About us pages help you introduce your brand to your customer. You can share your mission and show off your team to humanize your brand and bond over your similar values. Customers want to see the reflection of who they are in your brand to build a deep, emotional connection with your brand. Some of the best brands not only know who they are but also deeply reflect and represent their market.

About Us Page Example:Estee Lauderuses vintage images to tell its brand story. The vintage images help showcase that the brand is established and has been around for a long time giving it more credibility. They include links to different pages where customers can learn more about the founder of Estee Lauder, the personal story of inspiration for why the brand was started, and more. What Estee Lauder does differently than most stores is that they include a ‘Shop the story’ section where customers can add three popular products to their cart that are featured in the story. By monetizing their about us page, they improve their chances of having increased sales.

About Us Page Design Tips:

Focus on the why. Why did you start the brand? Why do you sell the products you sell? Simon Sinek has said, “People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it.’ Your why can help you build rapport with your customers. If they’re passionate about the same niche as you, they’ll be more likely to relate to you and your brand making them more likely to buy.

Humanize your about us page. Add pictures of yourself or your team. Make your about us page about your customer and include them in your page – share why you appreciate them. Share personal stories about why you’re passionate about your store niche to bond with your customer.

Include a mission statement. Essentially, your mission statement explains why you do what you do. In a short and sweet statement, you can explain what your brand stands for.

Many top brands add a product page link or product links directly on their homepage. Since most people who visit the about us page are likely to convert, adding a link to a product collection can help ease them into your sales funnel while optimizing your page.

Imogene + Willietell the story of their brand’s creation on their about us page. It humanizes the brand by putting a focus on the founders’ relationship. It dives into how the two met, went their separate ways, eventually joined forces, fell in love and built their brand. As your brand grows in popularity, you may start to notice your customers’ curiosity about the founders. Letting customers get an inside look into who you are can strengthen the customer relationship. People build relationships with people. Not brands.

Mahabismonetizes the about us page by adding buy now buttons throughout the page. The button is vibrant and attention grabbing. While the button brings you back to the product page, if you were to implement this, take it a step further. For example, if there’s a picture of your product in the picture, direct your buy now button to the exact product page rather than a collection. Or move the customer directly to the shopping cart with the item already added.

Spy Guysells products in an industry that can be seen as unethical. They sell products so that you can spy on people. However, they use their about us page to explain who their audience is, why they buy these products and why you should buy from their brand. Their about us page helps assure customers with their purchase by explaining the necessity for the products on their store.

Avoid the wall of text. That means, your about us page shouldn’t be long form copy. Add pictures. Incorporate some design elements. Make it easy to read or scroll through. Store visitors shouldn’t spend more time on your about us page than they do on a product or collection page. Give them enough information to build customer trust. But not so much that they feel like they’re reading a novel.

Think of the design elements. Some brands include timelines others include graphics that match the company branding. Browse through some of your favorite online stores. How do they present their about us pages? What do their pages look like? Feel free to use similar features if it makes sense for your brand. Your about us page needs to represent who your brand is. The visual components are just as important as the written ones.

Your about us page doesn’t need to be limited to your company bio or mission statement. You can also include pictures of customers wearing your products, press you’ve received, job postings for your company, where your products are made, who your team is and how to contact them, and more.

About Us Page Tool:

Buy button: Shopify allows you to embed buy buttons to any website or blog. But you can also use it within the pages of your own website. You can monetize your about us page by adding Buy Buttons for your best selling products. I’d recommend adding three of your best performing products to this page. If you have much more than that it can make the decision process difficult for a customer. If you’ve had a few sales already, check your data under ‘Reports’ in your Shopify store to determine your best selling products.

Shogun: This Shopify app allows you to drag and drop different elements for various pages on your online store. You can use this tool to reimagine your About Us page rather than having a plain white page.


Oberlo’s Best About Us and Shipping Information Page Templates细节的文本可以使用作为一个起点or your about us page. You can modify the copy anyway you wish. It’ll help you come up with a few ideas on what to say in your about us page.

Hubspot’s10 About Us Page Example That Are Probably Better Than Yours includes a mix of about us page styles from various brands. You can use these about us page design examples for inspiration.

next: Chapter 26

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