




你必须把东西卖给当地社区的日子一去不复返了。有了电子商务,你可以在舒适的家中向世界上任何人销售产品。你可以照亮一个陌生人的一天,一个人在世界的另一边,只是通过提供他们喜欢的产品。有了ePacket运输,现在可以负担得起向国际用户销售,而无需支付昂贵的运费。有些产品是免费送货的,而其他产品通常只需要多花几美元。在许多情况下,产品可以在几天内到达您的客户手中。有了国际影响力,你可以让更多的人接触到你的产品,为你的企业创造更多的收入。扩展您的在线业务从未如此简单。无论你的产品是卖给美国人还是葡萄牙人,接触国际受众从来没有像今天这样便宜过。当你向国际市场销售产品时,为你的产品寻找客户变得更加容易。 It’s a pretty cool feeling knowing that there are customers all over the world who’ve heard and bought from your brand. You know you’ve got what it takes to be an international sensation. It’s time to reach your potential. Build that mega dropshipping empire. Sell your products all over the world. And achieve the sense of fulfillment you only get when you finally achieve the success you spent years daydreaming about. You were born to sell to an international audience. Sell anywhere today.




传统上,在任何地方销售都很难。幸运的是,直销让它变得容易。Dropshipping可以让你在没有库存的情况下销售产品。产品的制造商代表你包装和发运货物。制造商已经建立了牢固的关系,使他们能够以更实惠的价格进行国际运输。他们可以使用ePacket运输,使他们能够以经济实惠的方式将产品快速运送到全球数十个国家。在某些情况下,送货是免费的,并在几天内到达客户手中。有了Oberlo,你就可以接触到这些供应商,让你可以在世界任何地方销售。您将能够有效地运行在线商店,因为运行业务的许多部分都是自动化的。一键式产品导入。 One click order processing. You’ll have more time to focus on marketing your business globally. With more time, you can strengthen your relationships with your customers. Or optimize your store to increase conversions. With millions of products to choose from and an international reach, you have a greater chance of succeeding as an entrepreneur. There’s nothing in your way to hold you back. With Oberlo, you have the tool you need to achieve success. And with you running the online empire, success becomes more attainable. You’re talented, smart and hard working. If anyone can sell to an international audience, it’s you. Start your online dropshipping business today.
