Great newsletter examples are interesting, captivating, and functional. Sometimes this means bright colors and breathtaking photos, and sometimes it means minimalism and simplicity to focus attention on what’s most important.

The best brands are always searching for new, relevant marketing newsletter content ideas that go outside of predictable sale announcements and boring confirmation emails. They keep their subscribers in mind 100% of the time, offering real solutions to the pain points and problems they face, while also entertaining and engaging them—not to mention building trust and confidence.

In this article, we’ll cover:

  • Some newsletter templates and ideas for all sorts of purposes and occasions, from welcome emails to company news to upcoming events
  • A few best practices to get maximum engagement from your newsletter layout and design
  • Creative newsletter examples, as well as some classic, traditional, and “safe” examples
  • Impressive newsletter campaign examples from ecommerce and non-ecommerce companies

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21 of the best newsletter examples:

  • Harry’s
  • Tailor Brands
  • Bombas
  • Casper Labs
  • Toms
  • The Hill-Side
  • Anthropologie
  • Peloton
  • Soylent
  • Fab
  • Mailcharts
  • Grammarly
  • Story Matters
  • Listrak
  • Wistia
  • Caviar
  • Lyft
  • Typeform
  • 1973 Ltd
  • Flywheel
  • Cordial

Ecommerce newsletter examples

Let’s look at 10 real newsletter examples that were sent by ecommerce brands.

1. Harry’s

You don’t always have to push your products (in fact, you shouldn’t). In this newsletter example, men’s shaving and grooming products company Harry’s sends an instructional, educational email that’s relevant to its business line. Instead of trying to outright sell stuff, Harry’s shares helpful content telling its customers how to better take care of their skin and get more from their shaving experience.

It’s all done in a clean, simple newsletter format that gives white space the love it deserves. It uses the company’s signature brand font, which is easy to read and digest while still being unique and reinforcing the Harry’s brand.

Subject line:Are you doing this AFTER you shave?

best email newsletters

2. Tailor Brands

在线品牌和营销解决方案公司的助教ilor Brands uses a classic incentive strategy to get subscribers to fill out a survey. (Because sometimes, you just gotta bribe people to get that coveted feedback!)

This newsletter example is beautifully simple, using color contrast to point your eyes in all the right directions. The green background is the perfect shade to allow for a red and white contrast for the main headline and subheadline, while still using black as the main body copy. This clever use of color puts it in the top examples of newsletter headlines.

Plus, the subject line is a fun play on a popular saying, while also making the reader curious about how much more is being hinted at.

Subject line:Penny (or more) for your thoughts?

newsletter for emails

3. Bombas

Sock company Bombas has mastered the art of thereferral email。最直接的通讯headl之一ine examples, the email’s header leaves nothing to interpretation: “Refer a friend, get free socks.” Simple as that.

Instead of using blurbs or blocks of text, they use short numbered lists to explain how it all works. The blue subtitles create a clear distinction and visual separation as they lead down to the bright pink “Refer a friend here” button. And the “Get free socks” button in the header image leads to the same link, to avoid distracting from the main CTA (call to action).

All this while maintaining the cool, fun personality of the brand.

Subject line:Free Socks Are Not A Myth

newsletter examples

4. Casper Labs

Casper Labs is the research branch of the premium mattress company Casper. In this dedicated product email, it introduces a company innovation with grace and poise. They use a problem-solution framework and simple storytelling to show the reader how they solved a problem.

Simple graphics help to enhance the newsletter story format while reinforcing the company’s branding. Instead of the hard sell, the “Learn more” CTA button (as well as the play button in the header GIF) leads the reader to Casper’sKickstarter page—the ingenious way the brand helped fund the development and manufacturing of a new duvet.

To add to its cleverness, the brand used atrackable URLso it could see how much Kickstarter engagement it got from the email.

Subject line:Casper Labs: Creating a Humidity-fighting Duvet

newsletter examples

5. Toms

Here’s another product newsletter example from shoe company Toms. It has a one-two punch here: using the seasonal approach to make its everyday brand relevant to Halloween, and doing so by using a creative email newsletter image format.

When you hover your mouse over the slider, you can see a photo of their glow-in-the-dark shoes in action.

Interactive newsletter examples like this one are a fun way to show off your product while standing out from the crowd. The only downside here is that the shoes are designed for women and kids only. Not fair, Toms.

Subject line:These Classics glow in the dark!

how to create an email newsletter

6. The Hill-Side

Men’s clothing company The Hill-Side takes a unique and clever approach to standing out on the most popular ecommerce day of the year:Cyber Monday。Anyone with an email account can attest that Cyber Monday turns an inbox into a battlefield.

This email is completely off-brand, using a tech theme that’s reminiscent of a hacker, or a late-90s hacker. In any event, it really hits home on the “cyber” concept while catching you off guard (and hopefully making you smile).

This is certainly one of the more creative email newsletter examples out there.

Subject line:Cyber Monday Sale: 30% Off Everything

newsletter templates

7. Anthropologie

Anthropologie is awomen’s clothing, accessory, and home décor company known for its quirky and laid-back-yet-glamorous “bohemian” style. Because of this, visuals are an important part of the company’s identity.

This email seamlessly blends being promotional and informational, advertising the brand’s 20% off sale while providing home décor style tips to guide a customer’s purchases. And it does it all with the help ofbeautiful product photography

Anthropologie’s emails also have a great use of fonts to add personality while still keeping it clean. On top of this, it’s one of the more naturally responsive newsletter examples, as it uses a mobile-first layout that also looks good on desktop. Win-win.

Subject line:Catnaps. ZZZs. Shuteye. SALE!

newsletter graphics

8. Peloton

Peloton is an indoor exercise bike company that streams live cycling classes through the bike’s monitor. The format of the newsletter in this example is short and simple. It uses concise and action-oriented copy, and there’s only one CTA here: get the bike.

For encouraging subscribers to act, the bright “Limited time offer” banner and “Get the bike” button are a good contrast to the rest of the email, which is in black and white. This immediately draws your eyes to the most important details.

Peloton also did a great job with its lifestyle photo (one of the topproduct photography tips), which shows the product in action while helping the reader visualize themselves using it in the comfort of their own home.

Subject line:Last Chance: Get $100 Off Accessories With Your Bike Purchase

peloton newsletter

9. Soylent

Generally speaking, if you want to send an email that builds hype for an upcoming announcement, you need to make sure it really does the job. Otherwise, it can just dilute your campaign and seem a bit spammy. However, this is one of those newsletter teaser examples that does a good job of piquing the reader’s curiosity.

Soylent, a meal replacement product company, sends a simple and clean teaser for a new mystery product in its line. The tone is casual, relatable, and self-aware, which catches the reader’s attention and perhaps makes them giggle.

Subject line:Something new is launching tomorrow.

newsletter ideas

10. Fab

Fab is an ecommerce company that sells a wide range of products, including women’s, men’s, art, home, and tech accessories. In this newsletter example, Fab takes a more personal approach by putting the spotlight on the men who designed a popular watch line.

By putting a face to the products and adding a human aspect to the shopping experience, Fab is helping to build stronger relationships with its subscribers (and therefore more brand loyalty).

The email uses a neutral color scheme that has nice visual contrast, while keeping the high-end feel. Beautiful product photography and lifestyle photos show different variations in the product line, as well as how they look in action.

Subject line:Designer Spotlight: MVMT Watches

designer newsletter

Non-ecommerce newsletter examples

Now for some great business newsletter examples from service-based companies, software-as-a-service (SaaS) companies, and some others in between.

11. MailCharts

This is one of those short-and-sweet newsletter welcome message examples that’s brilliant in its simplicity. Competitive email monitoring tool MailCharts skips the frills for a text-only welcome letter to new subscribers. It’s written directly from the co-founder and director of marketing, Carl Sednaoui.

In the letter, Carl sets clear expectations by telling subscribers they’ll receive a few emails each month. The best part: he asks them to hit Reply to tell him their biggest email marketing challenge, and urges them to ask him any questions. The subject line “How can I help you with email marketing?” immediately tells readers that Carl really cares.

This is a wonderful way to build trust, humanize a company, and encourage engagement. It’s also a clever way to get valuable customer feedback to help improve MailCharts services in the future.

Subject line:How can I help you with email marketing?

how to build an email newsletter

12. Grammarly

When it comes toemail marketing tools, Grammarly is one of the best. It is a writing app that helps make your messages and copy top notch. As part of its email marketing initiatives, Grammarly sends users a weekly newsletter that summarizes their activity with the app.

The update discusses the user’s activity and accuracy, and the quality of their vocabulary in comparison to other app users. It also shows top grammar mistakes to help keep the user mindful, as well as a writing tip of the week.

这是一个经典的通讯格式ideas that includes a fair amount of information, but the Grammarly team does it well. They keep the copy short while using colors to help create visual separation and easy skimmability. Overall, this email is a great value-add for regular users.

Subject line:Grammarly Weekly Progress Report & Tips


13. Story Matters

Story Matters is a cool publication dedicated to celebrating storytelling in all its forms. Its monthly newsletter gives subscribers curated content like recent articles, poems, and podcasts, each of which has different stories featured.

In this newsletter example, the email is pristine, with a classic and simple format. Instead of images, the header has an artistic use of fonts. The copy drops some key phrases and takeaways from thearticle, which is linkedto the header’s clever “Waste not” CTA. Visual hierarchy leads you down the page to smaller content links, each with vibrant photos and illustrations to catch your attention.

You can tell that this publication is all about storytelling, as the copy uses powerful, descriptive—and borderline poetic—language.

Subject line:What is in the stuffing?

top 10 email newsletters

14. Listrak

Digital marketing automation platform Listrak has a quality newsletter template for promoting its upcoming webinar to help businesses make more money on social media. In the header, you find every detail you need to know: what it is, what it’s about, when it is, and a “Register now” button.

Keeping with the social media theme of the webinar, the main graphic shows a social media ad displayed on a smartphone. To display the key pain points that the webinar will solve, Listrak cleverly uses boxes that mimic social media posts, complete with tallies for likes and comments. Two thumbs up for this creative newsletter format.

Below the scroll, you see photos of the two speakers, helping to humanize the company and familiarize readers with the people they’ll be learning from.

Subject line:[Tomorrow] Beyond the Inbox: Social Acquisition

email newsletters 2018

15. Wistia

Soapbox is a Wistia Chrome extension forrecording and sharing videos。To announce the plug-in, Wistia used Soapbox to embed a video into its email. Needless to say, using the tool’s functionality to promote the tool is a solid idea.

这个视频是一个有用的讲解员,告诉你l the basics of the extension in a little over a minute. As for the rest of the email, it’s nice and clean, with minimal copy that gets right to the point. The CTA “Get on your Soapbox” is a fun play on words of the saying “getoffyour soapbox.”

While background photos and patterns can be risky and potentially distracting, Wistia does a good job of choosing a light and colorful pattern that doesn’t overwhelm the rest of the message.

Subject line:Introducing Soapbox, Wistia’s video creation tool

engagement newsletter

16. Caviar

Food delivery serviceCaviar knows how to keep its brand relevant through the changing seasons. This newsletter example focuses on springtime Daylight Savings, where the clocks roll forward and everyone gets an extra hour of daylight.

While food delivery has no direct relation to this twice-yearly phenomenon, Caviar makes itself relevant by offering a $0 delivery fee to celebrate the fact that dinner time is no longer spent in dark. The clever headline tells readers they can look their food in the face now, with a GIF of some fries wearing sunglasses.

Overall, it’s a fun, quirky newsletter content example that reminds people of the brand and gets them to order some food, especially with that bright (but still on-brand) “Order now” button.

Subject line:No eating dinner in total darkness anymore!

design a newsletter

17. Lyft

On-demand transportation company Lyft has an engaging take on the classic New Year’s email. The company typically takes the opportunity to review a user’s interactions with them over the year. But this time, it shared information about all Lyft users in the recipient’s hometown.

They turned it into an awards ceremony of sorts, called the Lyfties, showing things like the city’s top trending destination, as well as the most visited bar, university, event venue, and restaurant. Based on the topics, we can infer that Lyft is appealing to its key demographic of young, 20-something adults.

This is valuable content—the kind you’d want to click on and share from your social media accounts, just out of curiosity and entertainment. So Lyft includes Facebook and Twitter sharing buttons to encourage readers to do just that.

Subject line:Your New Year with Lyft

inspirational email newsletters

18. Typeform

Typeform, an online form and survey tool, really knows how to get a subscriber’s attention. With a subject line like “Siri is dying,” could you resist clicking? This email keeps it simple with just one CTA, which is to visit Typeform’s newest interactive article. In the article, readers learn the story behind Susan Bennett, the woman who unknowingly became the voice of Apple’s Siri.

The email has a minimalist, simple newsletter template. The tech-inspired blue soundwave GIF makes a low-key-yet-interesting header image. As for the copy, there’s only a short headline and subhead, two-sentence blurb, and green “Listen In” CTA button. That’s it. And the great thing is: that’s all it needs.

Subject line:Siri is dying

newsletters for campaigns

19. 1973 Ltd

A great newsletter marketing strategy is to keep subscribers in the loop with company news. UK marketing agency 1973 Ltd does this well, using its newsletter to take subscribers behind the scenes of the company’s recent branding redesign. In this newsletter example, they also share three blog posts—a good amount for more content updates in this newsletter template design without having too many things going on.

The subject line is classically clickable (though a bit vague for my taste): “We’re so excited to share this with you!” The body has a good use of contrast, with white text on a dark background for the header. As an added personal touch to humanize the brand, the email includes the first name of the team member who wrote each article.

Subject line:We’re so excited to share this with you!

what to look for in a newsletter

20. Flywheel

Like we discussed earlier, a newsletter is a great opportunity to promote your company’s premium content. Here, managed WordPress hosting company Flywheel sends an email to encourage downloads of its free ebook.

This is one of the “louder” newsletter header examples. When you open the email, you see a big, bold image that immediately draws your attention to the ebook’s cover. The larger headline shows the ebook’s title in an eye-catching bright blue color, then the smaller subhead is bold and italicized in aserif font, with the description in a smaller, plainer font.

This is a nice use of colors and fonts to create a visual hierarchy, which highlights the most important details first and leads you down to the “Download it now!” CTA. It also mentions that the ebook gives you four tips in four chapters. It’s a nice way to set expectations for readers.

Subject line:This FREE ebook has the secret to scaling your agency!

21. Cordial

You could also promote your latest blog post in your email newsletter. In this example, cross-channel marketing platform Cordial pings subscribers about a new blog it recently published.

The design of the newsletter is minimalist, with only essential elements featured. Besides that, the newsletter contains a chunk of text meant to offer more information about the blog post. There's also a CTA button at the end to help subscribers quickly jump from the email to the full-fledged article.

Subject line:Cordial Blog Post: Upcoming iOS Privacy Updates

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That’s a wrap

So there you have it! Hopefully, you feel ready to start designing, building, and sending out awesome email marketing campaigns that help accomplish your unique business goals.

Subscribe to the newsletters of some of your top competitors and favorite brands. Pay attention to trends and new developments. Try new things, but look closely at the results.

To be a real email marketing winner, you’ll need to grow and evolve just as fast as consumerism is growing and evolving. What works today may not work tomorrow.

And that’s the beauty of it all!

Did we leave out any awesome strategies that have worked well for you? Let us know in the comments.