We just released in-depth product statistics for every product in our marketplace.
These statistics arepowerfulstuff.
When you study how they work together, you’ll be able to see trending products before other dropshippers.
Now, most dropshippers will skip this step.
Most dropshippers will import products with high order counts and wonder why sales aren’t rolling in.
But dropshippers like you are building something with amuch greater return on investment.
So grab some coffee and prepare to take notes.

What are Product Statistics?
- Imports
- Pageviews
- Orders
- Star ratings and reviews count
Individually, these statistics are informative. But when you use them together, you start to discover highpotential productsyou’ve never seen before.
We’ve crunched the data, and in the sections below you’ll find four categories of winning products based on their product statistics.
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Winning Combinations of Product Statistics
Category #1: Hot Products
Look for products with:
- Over 10 orders in the past 30 days.
Orders is the number of times a product has been ordered through an Oberlo-powered store和through AliExpress in the past 30 days. (When you click on a product and go to the product page, you can also see the six-month order statistics.)
This statistic is pretty straightforward: there’s no better sign that a product will sell than evidence that it’s sold before. Products with over 10 orders in the past 30 days already have a track record of success. With a little marketing know-how, you should be able to sell these products.
Because we combine Oberlo and AliExpress orders, if you see a product with lots of orders, you still have to test it in your store. That’s because you need to determine if the product is suitable to dropshipping or just selling well on AliExpress.
一旦你找到一个成功的产品,however, others can’t copy your success without doing the same research on their own. That’s why we combine order statistics from Oberlo-powered stores and AliExpress: so that you can find products without revealing your entire sales dashboard.
Here is an example of a Hot Product:
Category #2: Rising Stars
Look for products with:
- 6 to 10 orders in the past 30 days
- < 500 pageviews
Pageviews is the number of times a product has been viewed across all Shopify-powered stores in the past 30 days. Basically, pageviews reflect the amount of traffic merchants have been able to drive to a product.
But low pageviews aren’t necessarily bad! Rising Stars, which have low pageviews but a few orders, are products that are selling well despite limited web traffic. Jump on these products quick and and out-market the competition for a first-mover advantage.
To take advantage of Rising Stars, ask yourself these questions:
- Is there a big difference between imports and pageviews?If imports are much higher than pageviews, many stores may have imported this product but few have been able to drive traffic to the product page. That signals an opportunity for hard-working marketers. If you’re willing toresearch和invest in marketing, you might be able to squeeze more sales out of this product.
- Are orders < 1% of pageviews?If the number of orders is less than 1% the number of pageviews, customers may have been interested in the product but turned off by other merchants’ product pages. To win those customers back, create a great product page. Pay special attention to product pictures: if they aren’t high-quality, take your own. And make sure to writeepic productdescriptions.
Here is an example of a Rising Star:
Category #3: High Potential Products
Look for products with:
- 1 to 5 orders in the past 30 days
- < 100 pageviews
- Multiple 5-star ratings, where available
Oberlo pulls review data from AliExpress. Because AliExpress sells items directly to customers, reviews come from customers, not dropshippers. If you see a product without any reviews, it might be because it’s not sold on AliExpress, or because it’s new to Oberlo. Where ratings exist, they can serve as an indicator of product quality.
Products with a few sales, low pageviews, and positive reviews (where available) fall somewhere between Rising Stars and Hidden Gems (below).
That’s why it’s really important to study the numbers. Go through the same questions listed for Rising Stars, above. In addition, ask:
- How many orders in the last 6 months?A product that had one sale in the past 30 days and a few dozen in the past 6 months may have moreprofit potentialthan meets the eye. These numbers could signal asteady-seller– which are good additions to any dropshipping store. Also keep in mind that a product that has had no sales in the past 6 months could be new to Oberlo.
- If it’s from AliExpress, are there reviews?If a product with these statistics is from AliExpress, look for 4- to 5-star reviews from more than one reviewer. High reviews, in combination with low imports and pageviews, may signal that a product is simply new to dropshipping.
Based on the criteria above, here is an example of a High Potential product:
Category #4: Hidden Gems
Look for products with:
- 0 orders in the past 30 days
- < 50 pageviews
- < 500 imports
Imports is the number of Oberlo-powered stores that have imported a product in the past year. This number is more affected by what the dropshipper wants – inexpensive, attractive products – than what the customer wants. Use the imports statistic to find out whether a product has already been discovered by other dropshippers, or whether it’s a diamond in the rough.
Before you start selling Hidden Gems, go through all the questions listed above. Then go one step beyond and ask yourself these questions too:
- Is this a niche product?Finding a great product is one half of making sales. Finding the right market is the other half. A product that doesn’t have wide appeal may actually be easier to sell. Take fishing lures, for example. They’re rarely bestsellers, but it’s easy to determine who to sell them to.
- Can you order test products?With Hidden Gems, it’s smart to buy the product before you sell it. Note the product’s shipping time, test its quality, and make sure the product meets the supplier’s description. If you’re satisfied with the product, chances are your customers will be too.
Based on the criteria above, here is an example of a Hidden Gem:

Congratulations! If you made it to the end of this blog post, you should be proud of yourself. You’re building a data-driven store, and we’re confident you’re sales numbers will go up as a result.
Use the categories above as guidelines, not rules. Study them so that you can hone your own product-hunting instincts. We hope that as you dig deeper into product statistics, you come up with your own formulas forfinding winning products.
We’re releasing new data in the weeks ahead, so keep an eye on our app. Happy dropshipping!